Groundhogs Day, a fun way to determine whether we are going to continue to have six more weeks of winter, or have an early spring. In Philadelphia, they are blessed with an early spring. Here in Michigan and the Ohio River Basin, we are expecting six more weeks of winter.
Honestly, are we going to let a groundhog, aka a woodchuck tell us how many weeks of winter we have left? Well Absolutely we are! It would be unAmerican of us not to. Does it matter that the rest of the year we trap, and set out to destroy these psychic meteorologists? Nope. I tend to want to chase them with my car, but those hefty suckers can run! But just how do they predict the weather? Did Phil and his compatriots graduate from a rodent university unbeknownst to the general population? One that also teaches the best way to tunnel beneath the ground and destroy the homeowners hard-work and make lawn maintenance and pest control companies grin as they rake in the dough? I think it is indeed the latter.
No matter what you call the rodent, or if you believe in Phil's prediction. It means, we all are expecting six more weeks of winter! At least.
After the recent cold snap, I'm not sure any of us thought we'd come out of the deep freeze. Although, I want you to know, I did my part to pacify Mother Nature by buying an actual coat this year. This meant she was supposed to cancel the super cold weather and yell out a big - PSYCH!
We all know she gave us the deep freeze anyway and in my household, she sent a cute little guy, whom I feature regularly on my Instagram feed. He is known as Patient Zero. The contagion. As of this date he has infected at least fifteen people that we know of, if not more. Honestly, I could have lived with another two or three more sub-zero days rather than this virus.
While supplies lasts, I'm giving away these periennial seed packets to encourage Butterflies and Honey Bees to feed and return year after year. Fifty percent of the Monarch Butterfly population does not even make it to adulthood, while honeybees are disappearing in record numbers due to a variety of factors.
I won't get on my soapbox, Lord knows I'd just fall off anyway. LOL
After seeing the loss of Monarch caterpillars by my own hubby's hand this past summer, I want to make sure they are protected this year. Although he didn't mean to kill them, he also didn't listen to his wife! (That is for a different blog post.)
Let us all encourage Mother Earth to reign supreme and revitalize the earth in peace and harmony in this small way. I've my own wildflowers and milkweed, sorry honey, which will be planted this spring. To assure you have your copy, you can order direct through me via
Which, as we all know, will be at LEAST six more weeks down the road.
Aww I love the flower idea we plant a huge garden every year to help the bees!
You guys keep yourselves warm! Sending warm hugs from Philippines ❤